木村 好美
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.3, pp.83-93, 1999

This paper is an attempt at elucidating how contemporary yobikoes have attained their nationwide development, and how they have improved their capabilities of information gathering and provision, through focusing upon their relations with a reform in the system of entrance examinations, and with some changes in our social organization. What our research has shown could be summarized in three respects : 1.The foundations of yobikoes' recent development were already laid in the Taisho era and at the beginning of Showa era. 2. Postwar Japan saw a structural change in its working population owing to industrialization, an amelioration of the income standard because of some waves of prosperity, and therefore a growing population reaching higher education. Keeping step with such a trend, yobikoes entered a "high-growth period". For example, in 1965,some yobikoes undertook the diversification of their business; hence, they began to intensify their character of an industry. 3. It was the introduction of the Nationwide Common Preliminary to Entrance (Joint First Stage Achievement Test) that became the chief incentive for yobikoes to their inaugurate countrywide development and improved their capabilities of information gathering and provision.
西谷 敬
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.2, pp.1-30, 1997

西谷 敬
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.3, pp.25-37, 1999

片山 紀子
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.4, pp.115-126, 2000

In the West, historically in the context of education the corporal punishment has been used heavily. On this point, the situation in America was the same. However, the movement that many states of America prohibited corporal punishment appeared after 1980'. Yet, most of them are northern states, and the school corporal punishment remains in the south even now. The subject of this research is to clarify this reason. As a result of my study, the following reasons are conceivable. 1.The religious background; Above all, the existence of Fundamentalist is strong factor. They believe Christian Bible strictly and many of them live in the south. Therefore, southern area is called "Bible Belt" They are known to be conservative with discipline and like corporal punishment more to discipline a child than others. 2. The influence of the social structure ; The social structure of the southern states is different from the northern states. Including the slavery system, the social structure in the southern states has great influence on the education, the economic activities and the sense of values among people. By the unique social structure of the southern states, the corporal punishment is maintained to be used. 3. The ethos of the southern states ; It is unable to limit the basis of the corporal punishment that continues in the southern states only to these independent factors, such as the religion and social structure. Because they are mutually related factors, and form a/the particular southern ethos . I argue that the corporal punishment continued in the southern states is sustained by the ethos of the people in the south. As for our country, though the corporal punishment in school is legally prohibited, it continues even now. Thus, it may be possible to say that the ethos which allows the corporal punishment also exists in Japan even now.
山田 朋子
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.1, pp.123-137, 1996

The purposes of this paper are grouping of a pattern of a shift of upper secondary schools of the postwar Japan, and the analysis. This paper is a part of investigations of a role or a function of upper secondary schools of the present. In first the beginning, I must examine about the situation of a shift of the whole country from old system to new one. The problem which next I should consider is grouping of the shift. Those is classified into 5 types. Akita, Ibaragi, Shimane, Shiga, and Kagoshima prefectures are these paradigms. Moreover those paradigms should be examined by details. From these results, a conclusion which upper secondary schools were made various forms is found out. And what brought those difference was left as problem of not having solved. I intend to solve this problem in future.
浅岡 雅子
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.3, pp.221-234, 1999

In this paper, I intended to emphasize the importance of general education in high school. The reform of education is being progressed for the coming 21st century. This reform is undertaking according to the conception of "Individualization". For the sake of this conception, general education in high school loses its part among the curriculum. I think that this tendency will fall the uniformity of high school and fail to form "culture" of students Because general education is thought to bring them culture". S.Katsuta described that "culture" is certain to attain "total development". "Total development" is connected to not only the intellectual development but also the development of the human feeling and morality. So he insisted that general education must be made much of rather than the vocatinal education in high school. For this reason I think that general education is indispensable for the high school education and youth education.
濱崎 要子
人間形成と文化 : 奈良女子大学文学部教育文化情報学講座年報 (ISSN:13429817)
vol.1, pp.85-108, 1996

The purpose of this paper is to summarize man s relation to technical culture in "Soji". "Soji" was written by Chuang-tzu from about 400 B.C. to about 300 B.C. and was edited his works by Ka Kusho in the period of about A.D. 400 in China. We think about how the view of Taoistic labour builds up our character as one way to seek after the truth. This paper is organized as follows : 1 Introduction 2 Methods of dividing work 3 The problem that the labour is estranged from the human nature 4 The problem that a story of a sweep-well bucket indicates 1) The view of Taoistic labour 2) The formation of occupational view 3) The meaning of Tao 4) "The Tao of Chaotic being" and the formation of human-beings 5 The comparative significance the Taoism with the Confucianism 6 We draw four educational problems from a story of a sweep-well bucket. 1) The view of labour as the religious austerities 2) The view of labour as the consciousness of the humanity 3) The view of labour as the life 4) The view of labour as the formation of human-beings Part I We explain the process of a story of a sweep-well bucket. There are five problems that the old farmer talks to one pupil of K'ung Ch'iu as the reason for his working without any machine. One is that when human beings works with a machine, he depends his labour on a maschine. Two is that when human beings depends his labour on a maschine, he depends his mind on a maschime. Three is that when human beings depends his mind on a maschine, he loses his human nature. Four is that when human beings loses his human nature, he loses his miraculous activities of life. Five is that when human beings loses his miraculous activities of life, he loses the Tao. K'ung Ch'iu heard this story from his pupil, he expounded that "The Tao of Chaotic being" was the great truth of the universe and the old farmer did not cultivate his moral sense. Part 2 Division of work is the aim of increasing the product power of labour according to Adam Smith. The technical division with making labour easy and omit is one method of the division of work. Another method is that divides suitably the work to labour. The division of work produces results of the estranged labour and the religious relief. The view of Taoistic labour is one of religious relieves. Part 3 We compare the view of estranged labour formulated in the theory of Karl Marx with the teachings stated by the old farmer. As a result, we draw four educational problems from comparative views. Part 4 The view of Taoistic labour is that we mind our own business throughout the every daily life. By working away at the daily labour, we recognize the unconscious humanity as the Tao. The meaning of Tao is the inactive nature. "The Tao of Chaotic being" is the great truth of the universe and it builds up our character on way to the Chaotic human-being. Part 5 In the beginning of Taoism, Taoist avoids the daily labour. But, as that Confucianism is popularized on the daily life, Taoist attaches importance to the daily labour. K'ung Ch'iu admires "The Tao of Chaotic being" as the great truth of the universe. The Taoism comes down to the present age as a result of including the Confucianism in it. Part 6 We draw four educational problems from a story of a sweep-well bucket. 1) The view of labour as the relagious austerities The labour means to practice the religious austerities. Because human beings is able to recognize the meaning of Tao when he puts his life in his work. By working with might and main, he combines himself with the formation of Tao and builds up his character. 2) The view of labour as the consciousness of the humanity Human beings is conscious of the true humanity during the labour. The labour is the best humanitic activity of all human actions. If human being recognized "The Tao of Chaotic being", he could work with the freedom from all earthly ties. The labour is one human nature. 3) The view of labour as the life. We live for the work, do not work for life. The labour